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Today this article is about clearing financial blockage from all chakras. Now many of you may wonder, how come it’s about all chakras? Well,...

Monday 12 March 2018

Chakra Affirmations and Healing an CRYSTAL

Your thoughts create your reality andwhen you start working with affirmations, your life starts to change slowly, making you a better, healthier and positive person. A journey from negative self-talks to positive and healthy present and future. Affirmations are positive sentences that works through our conscious and subconscious mind. It creates positive vibrations within us and hence these positive vibes we send out to Universe.
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are endless– Mother Theresa Earlier I had written about healing with affirmations, this article is totally about chakra healing with affirmations. 

Let us start with Chakra affirmations.

 Root Chakra I am secure in myself and in this world. I am grounded, I am rooted. 

Sacral Chakra I am radiant and my body is beautiful. Love and goodness nourish through me. 

 Solar Plexus Chakra I accept who I am. I love myself and others. I am successful in everything I do.

Heart Chakra I am love. I am loved. I forgive myself and others. I am a giver and a receiver of Unconditional love. 

 Throat Chakra I express myself clearly. I speak truthfully. 

 Brow Chakra I trust my intuition. I am in tune with the Universe. 

Crown Chakra I am at one with the Universe. I am connected to Divine. 

 So now that we know some affirmations to work with chakras.
 How to use them?

Self-healing When you do self-healing, keep chanting the affirmation of the particular chakra. Distant healing When you are healing others, you can chant on their behalf. Eg- Xyz is one with Universe.

 Meditation Meditate on each chakra. Visualize a vibrant ball of the chakra color spinning clockwise and chant the affirmations. 

 Crystal healing Take 7 chakra stones. Take each stone and program it with its chakra affirmation. Program all 7 stones. Lie down and simply place the stones on each chakra. Simply lie down and relax for 20 minutes.

 Alternatively, you can give Reiki by hovering your hands over the chakra stones. Water Hold water bottle between palms. 

Set the intention to cleanse chakra and keep them activated. 

Chant each chakra affirmation minimum 28 times while giving Reiki. Now you have a bottle filled with all 7-chakra affirmations. Consume the water.

Simply chant Chant the affirmations whenever you are free. Write Write it down daily. No, mechanical writing won’t work, it needs conscious efforts.


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