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Today this article is about clearing financial blockage from all chakras. Now many of you may wonder, how come it’s about all chakras? Well,...

Wednesday 11 April 2018


I am an avid reader, whenever I am free you will find me glued to a book or an ebook. So recently I was reading about Letter to Universe. It was way different than most articles I have read on the topic of “lettering”. It gave me total different perspective about law of attraction. When working with law of attraction, you use affirmations and sentence formation as if it has already happened. You do visualization and imagination to your best. So still, why do many people not see result? It is because there is fear deep down within you, fear of failure, not being able to manifest and doubts. Unintentionally the fear based energy is buried deep down within you. The fearful energy is not removed, it is buried within you creating blockages more and more. When you are chanting an affirmation, are you sure that you totally whole-heartedly believe it? Are you sure you are not worrying about “What ifs”?

Fear Removal – The first step to manifestation is removal of fear based energies. Call upon Archangel Michael. Write a letter to him the way you actually feel, the way it is. No need to form it only positively or in any certain format. Just write as if you are talking to your best friend. Pour your heart out, share your fears and worries, what is troubling you, what are your fears and doubts. Example- “Dear Archangel Michael, I am struggling to manifest love/ money/ healthiness into my life. I seem to fail in my efforts and this is causing lack of confidence…… “(continue in your wording). At this point you need not worry about you sentence formations being positive or negative.

Once done, fold the paper and put in palm. Draw HSZSN and say “Connect to the root of the issue” 3 times. Draw SHK and say “Release” 3 times. Draw CKR and say “Heal” 3 times. If you are attuned to DKM, draw DKM before any other symbol. Take this paper between palms and give Reiki. Say, “I ask Divine Archangel Michael and Reiki to remove all these fear based energies that are from within me, thank you”. Give Reiki for 10-15 minutes. This way you have started the procedure to release your fears.

Visualization – Next step is Visualization. Just sit and relax. Now that your fears are released, ask Universe what you want. Start imagining or visualizing your wish, people involved, the desired outcome, yours and their reaction on desired outcome. Just visualize the whole scenario. The happiness and joy you feel by this will help you raise your vibrations.

Gratitude – Last but not the least; Gratitude. Write a heartfelt gratitude letter invoking Universe, Angels and Reiki related to your wish. Here you write as if your wish is already manifested. Example- “Dear Universe, Archangels, Angels, Reiki, Thank you for manifesting my desire of having ________ (money, getting job/ finding love). I am grateful to you and all the divine energies that helped me manifest my dream. Thank you for bringing magic to my life.”

Now simply let go. Don’t dwell on this, just know that your prayers are heard and wishes fulfilled.

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