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Today this article is about clearing financial blockage from all chakras. Now many of you may wonder, how come it’s about all chakras? Well,...

Friday 13 April 2018


Today this article is about clearing financial blockage from all chakras. Now many of you may wonder, how come it’s about all chakras? Well, what if your work is based on your communication skills? Your Throat chakra needs to be active and clear. What if your income is based on your creativity? Your Sacral chakra needs to be worked on. So with this article, we clear all chakras for financial abundance.

1. Call upon your guides and angels, ascended masters and archangels, prosperity angels and any higher realm beings you want to connect with. Pray to them to help you remove financial blockages from all chakras. Ask them to guide you now and forever.

2.Place your palms on Root chakra and say- “I am financially secured. All my financial insecurity is transmuted into positivity. Universe is the source of my income so I release all my worries to Universe”. (Removes insecurity)

3.Place your palms on Sacral chakra and say- “Creativity and creative ideas to enhance my work and to earn more money flows to me and through me effortlessly. (Brings creativity for finances)

4.Place your palms on Solar Plexus chakra and say- “I am confident about all my projects/business ideas/ability to earn more. I can handle all business or work deals confidently and calmly.” (Brings confidence and removes doubts)

5.Place your palms on Heart chakra and say- “I love and respect my work. I give unconditional love to my work/business and finances”. (Removes the “I don’t like my work/ money is not good” kind of energy).

6.Place your palms on Throat chakra and say- “I clearly communicate with all my colleagues and business associates. I follow honesty and truth and I attract the same kind of people”. (Eliminate misunderstandings and lies)

7.Place your palms on Third Eye chakra and say- “I have great insight and big vision about my work, business, savings and future. I follow my instinct because I know I am guided by God and Angels.” (Clarity, bigger vision, trust intuition)

8.Place your palms on Crown chakra and say- “I get Divine ideas from Universe to enhance my business and my God and Angels are always with me to help me and guide me”. (Faith in Univers, God and Angels)

9.Follow the above method for 21 days. There is no time set for healing each chakras. Trust your intuition. Some chakras may require more energies than others. Try this and share your feedback, would love to know your experience.

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part 1 copy link

part 2 copy link

part 3 copy link

Thursday 12 April 2018


With the help of powerful intentions and law of attraction, Universe magnifies the process to manifest your desires. Add Reiki energy and Crystal energy(optional) along with Law of attraction and leave all your worries and wishes to Universal Life Force Energy.

Here is one of the simplest methods to attract more money:

Take a cash note. If possible, take a bigger denomination.

hold in non-dominant hand and say CLEANSE CLEANSE CLEANSE.
Program it with any Money Affirmation or you can use this one:
I place no limits on the amount of money I can receive REPEAT 21 TIME.

Put this cash in an envelope or box. if u have any crystal u can place in it optional.

During next 3 months whenever you come across any unexpected money or anything that symbolizes money, put it in this envelope or box.
when your free chant affirmations an see the magic.

Do not keep counting. Notice the magic after 3 months ☺ . I have collected quite a few notes in few days. I haven’t counted yet but very happy seeing the bulge ☺ .
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Wednesday 11 April 2018


I am an avid reader, whenever I am free you will find me glued to a book or an ebook. So recently I was reading about Letter to Universe. It was way different than most articles I have read on the topic of “lettering”. It gave me total different perspective about law of attraction. When working with law of attraction, you use affirmations and sentence formation as if it has already happened. You do visualization and imagination to your best. So still, why do many people not see result? It is because there is fear deep down within you, fear of failure, not being able to manifest and doubts. Unintentionally the fear based energy is buried deep down within you. The fearful energy is not removed, it is buried within you creating blockages more and more. When you are chanting an affirmation, are you sure that you totally whole-heartedly believe it? Are you sure you are not worrying about “What ifs”?

Fear Removal – The first step to manifestation is removal of fear based energies. Call upon Archangel Michael. Write a letter to him the way you actually feel, the way it is. No need to form it only positively or in any certain format. Just write as if you are talking to your best friend. Pour your heart out, share your fears and worries, what is troubling you, what are your fears and doubts. Example- “Dear Archangel Michael, I am struggling to manifest love/ money/ healthiness into my life. I seem to fail in my efforts and this is causing lack of confidence…… “(continue in your wording). At this point you need not worry about you sentence formations being positive or negative.

Once done, fold the paper and put in palm. Draw HSZSN and say “Connect to the root of the issue” 3 times. Draw SHK and say “Release” 3 times. Draw CKR and say “Heal” 3 times. If you are attuned to DKM, draw DKM before any other symbol. Take this paper between palms and give Reiki. Say, “I ask Divine Archangel Michael and Reiki to remove all these fear based energies that are from within me, thank you”. Give Reiki for 10-15 minutes. This way you have started the procedure to release your fears.

Visualization – Next step is Visualization. Just sit and relax. Now that your fears are released, ask Universe what you want. Start imagining or visualizing your wish, people involved, the desired outcome, yours and their reaction on desired outcome. Just visualize the whole scenario. The happiness and joy you feel by this will help you raise your vibrations.

Gratitude – Last but not the least; Gratitude. Write a heartfelt gratitude letter invoking Universe, Angels and Reiki related to your wish. Here you write as if your wish is already manifested. Example- “Dear Universe, Archangels, Angels, Reiki, Thank you for manifesting my desire of having ________ (money, getting job/ finding love). I am grateful to you and all the divine energies that helped me manifest my dream. Thank you for bringing magic to my life.”

Now simply let go. Don’t dwell on this, just know that your prayers are heard and wishes fulfilled.

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Sunday 1 April 2018


Here, abundance doesn’t mean only money. Abundance means anything abundantly, whatever you desire – be it money, love, protection, peace or whatever.

Money, a single word, which helps us achieve and fulfil our goals and wishes along with your hard work and luck. Money doesn’t grow on tree but we can try things that attracts more money in our lives. Yes, I totally and fully agree that money is not everything in life, money cannot buy love and peace. But as the saying goes “Better to cry in a Ferrari than under a bridge”. Again, wanting money doesn’t mean you go and dupe people. Hurting anyone for monetary issues is a strict no-no. I prefer working with crystals to bring and attract more money to life.
Money, a single word, which helps us achieve and fulfil our goals and wishes along with your hard work and luck. Money doesn’t grow on tree but we can try things that attracts more money in our lives. Yes, I totally and fully agree that money is not everything in life, money cannot buy love and peace. But as the saying goes “Better to cry in a Ferrari than under a bridge”. Again, wanting money doesn’t mean you go and dupe people. Hurting anyone for monetary issues is a strict no-no. I prefer working with crystals to bring and attract more money to life.

As I always say, crystals and Reiki when combined brings magical and amazing desire. Working with crystal grid is the sure way towards manifesting your goals and desires. There are different types of grid layouts which you can work with. Today I will show you infinity abundance grid. Here by abundance, I do not mean only money. This infinity abundance grid is about Abundance of money, Abundance of love, Abundance of peace, depending on the crystals you use. This is a very simple and non-fancy grid which you can make easily

As I always say,
.For Money you need: 6 Citrine tumbles (or any money stones) 6 Clear Quartz tumbles 1 pyramid/sphere/cluster (Money stone) 1 wand to connect and charge the crystals

For Love you need: 6 Rose Quartz tumbles 6 Green aventurine tumbles (any love stone) 1 pyramid/sphere/cluster (love stone) 1 wand

For protection you need: 6 Black Tourmaline tumbles 6 Smoky quartz (any protection stone) 1 pyramid/sphere/cluster (protection stone) 1 wand

Select crystals as per your requirement. You can use any wand to charge and connect the grid.

How to make a grid: Assemble all the cleansed crystals. Hold one set of crystals in palm, draw CKR over it and rotate clockwise seven times saying purify purify purify. Place another palm over crystals and let Reiki flow for 5-10 minutes. This is the time when you put your intentions into crystals. While charging crystals with Reiki, think of your intention, such as abundant money, abundant love, abundant protection or whatever. Do the same with all sets of crystals.

Take an A4 size paper and draw a big infinity symbol. You can take a readymade printout too. On four corners of the paper, draw the power symbol to seal the energy. Place the pyramid/sphere/cluster at the center of the symbol where two lines of ‘8’ intersects. Place citrine and clear quartz or rose quartz and green aventurine or black tourmaline and smoky quartz tumbles alternatively as shown in pic. Take a wand, rotate over pyramid thrice saying connect connect connect. Now, starting from the top middle stone, rotate wand clockwise thrice over each stone saying connect connect connect. (You can start with any stone, not necessarily the topmost) Once you complete the full infinity ‘connect’ cycle, bring the wand back to pyramid, rotate thrice and say activate activate activate. Now make a Reiki infused Chi Ball and place it over the grid with the intention to keep it charged for next 7 days. Place a Chi Ball every week. In between, if needed, cleanse your crystals and reset your grid.
Check my blog for more knowledge about energy healing, Crystals, Reiki, Grounding, affirmations et,,,,  FOLLOW ME FOR MORE UPDATES